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Decrease Increase Honduran journalist shot, killed outside her home [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-07-11 12:22 AM
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Decrease Increase Honduran journalist shot, killed outside her home
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8:36 p.m. Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Decrease Increase Honduran journalist shot, killed outside her home
The Associated Press

TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — A radio news host was fatally shot by gunmen on motorcycles Tuesday as she commuted to work in the capital of Honduras, where rampant drug-trafficking and weak, corrupt policing are fueling one of the world's worst homicide rates.

Luz Marina Paz and her driver were hit by dozens of bullets fired by men on two motorcycles outside Paz's home in Tegucigalpa, national police spokesman Luis Maradiaga said.

Paz, 38, hosted a morning program called "Three in the News" broadcast on the Honduran News Channel. While she discussed politics and narcotics trafficking, she was not among Honduras' best-known or most outspoken journalists.

She had previously worked for eight years for the country's Radio Globo, where she was critical of a 2009 coup in which former President Manuel Zelaya was deposed at gunpoint. The coup isolated Honduras internationally and cost it international aid to fund security efforts and fight poverty and drug-trafficking.


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