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Reply #20: Simillar... [View All]

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CJvR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-09-11 01:11 PM
Response to Reply #14
20. Simillar...
...except those islands are completly uninhabited, other than a military outpost established recently. On the Falklands you have a permanent population that have resided there for some 10 generations under continous British rule for one and a half century - a tiny bit different than uninhabited rocks. Rather amusingly London was desperatly trying to give the islands away in 82 when the Argentinian junta decided to to wave their dicks and go conquering instead of waiting for a handover, and then Argentina sulkingly imposed an embargo when the British won the war. The Falklands are only an issue because various Argentinian regimes have chosen to make it one so that they always have an excuse available to cover up their incompetence.
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