your representatives! Send your Senators and Representative the article below responding to allegations of fraud in Nicaragua’s Nov. 6 presidential election. Include your own note saying you will not tolerate a return to the policies of the 1980s when the US made economic, political and proxy war on Nicaragua, the hemisphere’s second poorest country. Find your Senators and Representative.
In coordinated actions on December 1, right-wing members of the Senate and House pushed the Obama administration to take strong action against Nicaragua where voters recently returned President Daniel Ortega to office with over 62% of the vote. Throughout the 1980s US policy was focused on denying Nicaraguans the right to self-determination and sovereignty. We must not let history repeat itself.
On Dec. 1 anti-Cuban Senators Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) introduced a resolution condemning the so-called “assault on democracy in Nicaragua” represented by Ortega’s re-election. The resolution also urges the Obama Administration to “take immediate measures to encourage the restoration of constitutional rule.” What do they want Obama to do, mine the harbor at Corinto like Reagan did in 1984 prompting the World Court to rule the action illegal and order reparations that have never been paid?
At the same time, far-right Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, chair of the House Committee on Foreign Relations, held a hearing entitled “Democracy Held Hostage in Nicaragua: Part I.” We cannot allow the further militarization of US policy toward Latin America, and Nicaragua in particular. Nicaragua, during the past five years of constitutional Sandinista governance, has seen tens of thousands of families rise out of abject poverty and hundreds of thousands receive free health care and education. Peasants can again feed their families and workers can form unions without being fired.
Nicaragua has once again become “the threat of a good example” as Oxfam UK called it in the 1980s during the Sandinista Revolution. We must not allow the gains of the Revolution to be reversed to the advantage of transnational corporations and wealthy individuals. Send the authoritative response to claims of electoral fraud to your elected representatives with a personal note that you will not tolerate their support for a hostile US policy toward Nicaragua. Find your Senators and Representative.