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Reply #3: Lydia Leftcoast, I just saw your 2nd photo of the building with the image of Che Guevara. [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-10-11 10:44 PM
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3. Lydia Leftcoast, I just saw your 2nd photo of the building with the image of Che Guevara.
You mentioned there's another building with the image of another revolutionary figure on it. Was it Camilo Cienfuegos?
Birth: Feb. 6, 1932
Havana, Cuba
Death: Oct. 28, 1959, Cuba

Revolutionary. Camilo Cienfuego Gorriarán was one of the most emblematic of the Cuban revolution alongside Fidel Castro on Che Guevara, Raúl Castro, Juan Almeida, among others. He was known as "The Commander of the People", "The Lord of the Vanguard" and "Yaguajay Hero." After the triumph of the Revolution, Cienfuegos was part of the high command of the Rebel Army, as its supreme leader. Fought in the anti-revolutionary uprisings and also participated in the Agrarian Reform. He died in a plane crash due to bad weather while returning from Camaguey to Havana aboard his plane, a Cessna 310. However, never could find the remains of Cienfuegos, nor those of his plane.

If you don't remember, no biggie. Just curious. Thanks.
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