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Reply #2: Wow! Sounds like a must-read book. [View All]

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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-10-11 05:15 AM
Response to Original message
2. Wow! Sounds like a must-read book.
A couple of thoughts: The looting of Brazil and the SILENCE of the Corporate Press about it reminds me of the massive, mindboggling looting of the U.S., by the War Profiteers--incredibly including the Vice President of the U.S.'s own company, Halliburton--and by the Banksters and Transglobal Corporations with virtually NOTHING in the Corporate Press about what has really gone on.

It also strikes me that the rightwing political parties here and there are equivalent to gangters, the main difference between Brazil and the U.S. being that Brazil was able to elect REAL leftist governments--headed by Lula da Silva and now Dilma Rouseff--who have moved their country toward fairness and social justice (and into a South America-wide leftist alliance), whereas here the left end (majorityist end) of the political spectrum does not exist in our Democratic Party leadership. We have no FDR-like champion and we CANNOT elect one with the far rightwing-connected ES&S/Diebold controlling 80% of the voting machines in the U.S. with 'TRADE SECRET' programming code. One of the things that Brazilians need to look out for is Diebold inroads into Brazil's election system. Privately controlled e-voting is EXTREMELY BAD. It will end Brazil's democracy as it has done here. I've only heard of limited inroads of Diebold's riggable votiing machines in Brazil but as Brazil grows more prosperous Brazilians may become prey to this fascist/corporate method of control, thinking that it is 'modern," "efficient," "advanced." I hope Brazilians don't get suckered by this the way our people have been.
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