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Reply #7: I understand your point [View All]

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ChangoLoa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-13-11 10:39 AM
Response to Reply #6
7. I understand your point
I thought you were talking about the whole dependency theory... didn't read carefully enough what you had wrote.

And certainly I don't consider Cardoso to be a leftist. But still, equating him with Friedman and the monetarists (neoliberalism is a disguised term itself) seems to be quite a jump.

I won't pretend Lula maintained his exact economic policies as the Brazilian center and right-wing do. Obviously, the social programs organized by his coalition had a major impact on many aspects.

But let me ask you a question: what major differences of approach in their political economy do you identify?

And finally: do you consider that the only left is the revolutionary one? Is there a reformatory left for you?

"Breaking the cycle of financial and technological dependence": any example of a revolutionary government that has managed to do so?
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