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Time to get the heads out of the sand.. and attend those teapartys.. [View All]

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Peacetrain Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-12-10 08:11 AM
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Time to get the heads out of the sand.. and attend those teapartys..
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Because there is a WHOLE lot of lying going on, that is not getting reported.

This week the Bachmann was in northwest Iowa, specifically Sioux City at a Steve King/teaparty/God knows what gathering of the rabid right.

Get this, Bachmann tells the crowd that the United States under the auspices of the current President.. President Obama, that the country has moved from a Creditor nation to a Debtor Nation.

Yep you read that right. That was what happened under Reagan. But they are now spreading that manure that his has just happened under the Obama watch.

Add to that, they are spreading that the average taxpayers' taxes are going through the roof.. when it is just the opposite. 90% of us got a tax cut under the Feds. Now taxes on a local level city, state are rising no doubt..but they are using that as Obamas fault.

I am attending the next local tea party and when that stuff comes up, I am confronting the speaker on it to clarify.

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