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Reply #2: I was at the Capitol the day they passed HCR
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Mon Apr-12-10 09:13 AM
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2. I was at the Capitol the day they passed HCR |
I wish you the best of luck. These people are incapable of rational thought. It becomes mob mentality. I was holding a sign that said "People of Faith for health care reform" for that I was approached by a kid at LEAST 15 years younger than me and called a 'Fat communist Pig'
I hope that you can confront the speaker, it is worth it for that.
I tried to ask another why he wasn't angry about the Debt these wars have wrought upon us, the person deflected and told me that that wasn't the point, when pushed (verbally) he completely pulled a red herring and said that Obama is a socialist. They just don;t want truth -- they want to believe their own version of reality. What seriously concerns me is that the media is allowing them to be framed as legit.
In another time -- OR if it were another party making such statements the media would be all over such a lie as the one you posted above. People like Bachmann are capitalizing on the hate.
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