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With GM repaying their loan early- A reminder of what Michael Steele had to say [View All]

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Home » Discuss » General Discussion: Presidency Donate to DU
NJmaverick Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-20-10 12:31 PM
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With GM repaying their loan early- A reminder of what Michael Steele had to say
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This is what the RNC had to say about President Obama bailing out GM:

No matter how much the President spins GM’s bankruptcy as good for the economy, it is nothing more than another government grab of a private company and another handout to the union cronies who helped bankroll his presidential campaign. President Obama will now own 60 percent of GM, and his union buddies will own almost 20 percent. And what do the taxpayers get?
They’ll get stuck with up to a $50 billion tab for the taxpayer dollars Obama is using to pay for his takeover of GM. Americans shouldn’t be fooled. This is the real ‘change’ President Obama has in mind for America — government ownership of our economy financed with irresponsible and reckless government spending and debt and no jobs to show for it. This is a very sad day for the autoworkers and their families whose financial well-being will be directly affected by this clear act of an overreaching UAW and overbearing government.
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