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Jim DeMint bucks party (again), endorses Marlin Stutzman in Indiana [View All]

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ccharles000 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-20-10 05:54 PM
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Jim DeMint bucks party (again), endorses Marlin Stutzman in Indiana
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Sen. Jim DeMint (R) announced his support for state Sen. Marlin Stutzman in Indiana's Senate race this morning, the latest in a series of endorsements by the South Carolina Republican that have run counter to the wishes of his party establishment.

DeMint praised Stutzman as a "conservative outsider" and "exactly the kind of leader Americans are looking for this year" in a statement announcing his support.

DeMint's endorsement of Stutzman comes just days after he waded into the Colorado Senate race to back Weld County prosecutor Ken Buck against establishment favorite Jane Norton, a former lieutenant governor.

DeMint has also endorsed in three other Senate races: conservative state Assemblyman Chuck DeVore in California, former state House Speaker Marco Rubio in Florida and former Rep. Pat Toomey in Pennsylvania.
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