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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-11 07:47 PM
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Stop the Nonsense
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Stop the Nonsense

by BooMan
Fri Jan 14th, 2011 at 04:51:35 PM EST

Probably the biggest problem facing the country right now is the nature of the Republican Party. More than anything, the problem is their dishonesty. Dishonesty is associated with politicians of all stripes and parties, but people really need to start looking more closely at the difference between the kinds of lies that Democrats tend to tell and the lies you hear from Republicans.

It's obvious that the Republicans made big gains in the recent midterm elections by campaigning on reducing the size of the federal government and the federal deficit. So, they have at least some kind of mandate to impose cuts on spending on the president. A common theme during the campaign was that the Republicans would reduce $100 billion from next year's budget. A lot of candidates used that number and it was included in their Pledge to America manifesto. However, once they won the elections and took over the House they quickly retreated to a less ridiculous number.


Sen. Shelby (R-AL) is the Ranking Member on the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. He says we can cut the budget by 30%, or by about a trillion dollars. When Think Progress learned that he had also said we could cut the budget by 10%, they called his office to find out which number he wanted to stick with. His spokesmen feigned ignorance of either number and said that Shelby merely wanted to revert back to 2008 numbers.

All I'm saying here is that we really shouldn't have to tolerate a party going around talking about cutting the budget by 10, 20, 50 times what is realistically possible. They aren't even serious about the numbers. They're just saying whatever bullshit they think people want to hear, or that will win them some attention.

We could make this easier by just changing the rules. We propose something and then they lie about what we proposed and refuse to support it. That is the basic structure of our government right now, and everything else is just extraneous window dressing and noise.
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