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Photos: Chairman Steele, I really and truly sympathize with your behind. (A retrospective) [View All]

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Clio the Leo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-11 11:19 PM
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Photos: Chairman Steele, I really and truly sympathize with your behind. (A retrospective)
Advertisements [?]">"Crazy nonsense empathetic. I'll give you empathy. Empathize right on your behind. Craziness."
Steele, explaining why he's opposed to empathetic judges."> "Our platform is one of the best political documents that's been written in the last 25 years. Honest Injun on that."
Steele, defending the Republican platform.">"God has a way of revealing stuff to you, and making it real for you, through others. And if that's part of the plan, it'll be the plan... If I run it'll be because that's where God wants me to be at that time."
Steele, explaining how he'll decide if he will run for president some day.">"I can say without hesitation that this government is totally theirs... Everything that comes out of it and everything that results from it is on their plate."
Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele speaks to supporters during a Republican National Committee rally in Orlando, Fla. , Saturday, Oct. 23, 2010.">"It's not even really a web site."
Steele, trying to downplay technical problems with the redesigned RNC web site.">"I'm the gift that keeps on giving."
In this Oct. 6, 2010, file photo Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele laughs and holds Anthony Barrows, 2, during a rally, part of the RNC's national "Fire Pelosi" bus tour, in Stockton, Calif. Even some Democratic officials acknowledge that their losses on election day, Tuesday Nov. 2, could well exceed the 40 more seats Republicans need to regain the House majority. House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi would be deposed, and the Obama administration forced to negotiate with Republicans every significant legislative issue.">"Well, I'm the cow on the tracks."
Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele speaks to supporters in Severna Park, Md. , on Saturday, Oct. 30, 2010, as he rallied in front of a campaign bus for three Maryland congressional candidates, including Andrew Harris, left, and Jim Wilhelm, right. Marcelo Cardarelli, another Maryland GOP congressional candidate, is standing behind Steele.">"If you don't want me in the job, fire me. But until then, shut up. Get with the program or get out of the way."
Steele, saying he's "done" with criticism from top Republicans."> "The problem that we have with this president is we don't know him. He was not vetted, folks... He was not vetted, because the press fell in love with the black man running for the office."
Steele, forgetting President Obama actually won a national election."> "Could you help a brother out? No more national conventions with 36 people of color in the room."
Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Steele departs a back-room meeting where he decided to bow out of the voting as the RNC moves on to elect his successor at their winter meeting in National Harbor, Maryland, January 14, 2011. Embattled Steele abandoned his bid for a new term as Republican National Committee chairman on Friday when it became clear that he did not have enough support to win.">Peace out Mr. Chairman!

Bonus Clip:">"Whas'sup!?"

(thanks to Taegan Goddard for finding the quotes)
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