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Clues on Loughner's online posts he picked up ideas from right-wing sources? [View All]

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onecent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 08:01 AM
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Clues on Loughner's online posts he picked up ideas from right-wing sources?
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Sarah Palin, the "Blood Libel," and Jewish Democrats in the Crosshairs
Chip Berlet

The motives of the accused shooter in the Tucson rampage, Jared Lee Loughner, are unclear and further blurred by apparent delusions. Yet there are clues in his online posts that he picked up some of his ideas about a government conspiracy from right-wing sources. He is especially concerned with money manipulation and felt that current U.S. currency was invalid because it was not backed by silver or gold. Some of these ideas can be found in the writings of Ron Paul, the Republican Congressman from Texas, and in the pages of publications from the John Birch Society, a "Patriot" right-wing group.
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