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Reply #4: Just think about it for a moment. [View All]

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baldguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 01:42 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. Just think about it for a moment.
How do the anti-union conservatives want union votes to be held? With the employer controlling the process: The election is announced way ahead of time, giving the employer the chance to lie & intimidate & threaten workers every day up until it's held. There's mandatory meetings, led by management, where workers are told of the ominous consequences of joining the union - you'll be laid off, you won't get that promotion, your bonus will be reduced or eliminated, your benefits will be cut, you won't be able to take a break to get some water or go to the bathroom even - all because of the union. Of course, no union representative is allowed in to counter these claims. When the vote is taken, the company has reps there to ensure the workers remember the message that's been hammered into them in the time leading up to it.

It takes enormous courage and personal strength for non-union workers to vote FOR a union - even in 21st century America.

The way it SHOULD work - and why card-check is so important - is for the workers to get the facts from their union reps - and other sources if they choose, talk over their options with their families & fellow workers without the oppressive influence of management, and freely make their choice.
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