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On Cavuto's Fox news show, Ben Stein says healthcare law a choice of "freedom against dictatorship" [View All]

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zulchzulu Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 12:55 PM
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On Cavuto's Fox news show, Ben Stein says healthcare law a choice of "freedom against dictatorship"
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I was flicking through the channels and saw Cavuto's show for a couple minutes and they were talking about the Republicans trying to stop "Obamacare". One lone person on the panel said it was going nowhere. Of course, his backdrop was San Francisco.

Ben Stein interrupted him constantly and then fumed about how it was basically a war of choice between "freedom against dictatorship". He then continued that thousands of Americans will be arrested with their doctors and "taken away".

Cavuto, smirking with joy, finished up the commentary suggesting that more Americans "need to wake up".

Finally, we can see how much improvement political dialogue has been made a week after the Tucson shootings.


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