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Reply #8: Puh-leeze! [View All]

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Home » Discuss » General Discussion: Presidency Donate to DU
Proud Liberal Dem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-11 07:02 PM
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8. Puh-leeze!
Edited on Mon Jan-17-11 07:08 PM by Proud Liberal Dem
Oh, please free me from the dictatorship of being able to keep our kids on our insurance until they're 26 years old!

Oh, please free me from the dictatorship of insurance companies not being able to deny me and my family coverage due to "pre-existing" conditions!

Oh, please free me from the dictatorship of insurance companies having to make sure that they use more of the $$$$ we give them towards actual PATIENT CARE instead of overhead and who knows what-the-hell-else!

etc., etc..................................................


Only in America would people actually feel "victimized" by the government FINALLY stepping in and putting an end to private insurance companies doing things that should've NEVER been allowed to happen in the first place! All this while in places like Canada, Britain, France, people are getting better care at less cost. How can elements of our society be so smart yet dumb? And, as for any right-wing kooks living in Canada, Britain, France, et. al that have some kind gripe with their health care, I'll gladly trade my private Anthem high-deductible health insurance for their "socialized medicine."
:wtf: :banghead:
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