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Reply #2: aw, poor Sarah [View All]

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Home » Discuss » General Discussion: Presidency Donate to DU
Enrique Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 05:56 PM
Response to Original message
2. aw, poor Sarah
imagine how it must feel to be her... :cry:

Imagine how it must feel to have watched one week ago the incomprehensible massacre of innocents committed by someone who had lost some essential part of his humanity, to have shared in the heartache for its victims and in the admiration for those who acted heroically to save the lives of others - and to have heard in the coverage of that tragedy voices accusing you of complicity in it.

It does not ask too much of human nature to have the empathy to understand how wrong an injury that is or appreciate how strong a need someone would feel to defend him or herself against such a slur. Even to perceive it in the context of its supposed political effect and not as the claim of the human heart to the dignity we are enjoined by God and our founding ideals to respect in one another is unworthy of us, and our understanding of America's meaning.
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