Edited on Tue Dec-06-11 01:38 PM by Occupy_2012
If you go to the Washington post link posted above, it mentions in the document that Newt and all parties agreed not to dicuss certain information about how they came to their conclusion. At the bottom it says that Newt was out talking to the press about his version, while they were working on it, knowing that the other parties weren't allowed to present the truth. It further states that Newt was made to understand that if he broke the terms of the agreement, the whole deal was off. However, they felt it was in the best interest of Congress to ignore his breaking the rules and move on.
It's pretty ironic he's slamming Pelosi for "breaking the confidentiality agreement," which she did not do, when he's the one who did. If he's going to go flapping his lips about this, somebody needs to remind him he's supposed to shut up too. It's also not clear to me if the "confidentially agreement" was only for the time of the investigation, or forever.
At any rate, there's plenty of stuff on the Google about what a dirtbag Newt is. It's public record, there's a lot of old news archives around. If someone wants to get a library card, for example, you have access to online old news archives for decades from many American newspapers for free. Interesting that he somehow doesn't realize how much info is out there, or thinks the press is so powerless that no one will report it. That's what Keith Olbermann, TYT, Twitter, and political blogs are for. You can't shut everybody up any more.
The other thing that's weird is, what's up with all these old Republicans speaking against Newt? Dan Quayle, who's retired from politics, said Romney was "the only credible candidate," a slam at Newt if ever there was one. Several other Repubs have said they don't want him as the nominee. A lot fo these are older guys who worked with him, and they've been very blunt about how unpleasant he is personally. If some of these guys start talking about their own experiences, I don't think they can be shut up. Repubs very seldom speak against their own no matter what. Plainly they want "anybody but Newt."