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What? Nobody Watched That Pathetic Republican Debate Last Night? [View All]

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Solomon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-06-11 08:49 AM
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What? Nobody Watched That Pathetic Republican Debate Last Night?
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It was b-b-b-bad! LOL

I mean. Ron Paul comes off as unhinged. He would legalize heroin among other things. And that former Governor from from from, was it New Mexico? There are simply no words to describe that guy, except I wondered, how the hell does someone like that become a governor? He kept being rude and butting in because he felt he wasn't getting enough attention. I sat there thinking, "d'uh" now that you drew my attention by trying to butt in, I can see why they're trying to freeze you out.

Tim Pawlenty... well, I don't know what to say either.

Rick Santorum - wordless again.

The most dynamic one there (and believe me, that's not saying much) was Herman Cain, the former pizza CEO. He's got as much chance as... well there simply is no metaphor.

What a farce. I felt bad for the reporters (even though they are asses) for having to appear to be serious and sober through that comedy show.

Wonder why Mitt didn't show up? I thought Bachman was exploritoriating?

They did a Frank Luntz thingy afterward and nobody except 6 people wanted Trump in there. LOL

I wish they had the thing a week ago. Trump would have won. LOL The putzes in Luntz' panel would have enthusiastically raised their hands for Trump. LOL

What a hilarity.
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