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I want to puke : Military has spent $32 billion since ’95 on abandoned weapons programs [View All]

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n2doc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-27-11 11:10 AM
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I want to puke : Military has spent $32 billion since ’95 on abandoned weapons programs
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By Marjorie Censer, Updated: Friday, May 27, 11:00 AM
The Army’s Comanche helicopter was envisioned as “the quarterback of the digital battlefield,” a technologically superior aircraft that could hide from enemies, operate at night and in bad weather, and travel farther than any other helicopter.

Gen. Richard Cody, a former vice chief of staff of the Army, called it the “most flexible, most agile” aircraft the country had ever produced.

In 2000, it ranked as the most important planned buy for the Army. Four years later, the program — which had consumed close to 20 years of work and nearly $6 billion — was abruptly shuttered.

It is one of 22 major Army weapons programs that have been canceled since 1995, ringing up a price tag of more than $32 billion for equipment that was never built. A new study commissioned by the Army, though not publicly released, condemns the service’s efforts as “unacceptable."


And yet we allow the Repukes to distract us over $300,000 "questionable" science studies...and 'waste and fraud' in WIC and other programs that actually help people.
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