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Reply #14: Move out of it. [View All]

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Forkboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-27-11 06:58 PM
Response to Original message
14. Move out of it.

Inspired by my father's actions that I learned about a couple years ago, I donate a little each year to a place called Our Father's House, which is the only homeless shelter in the area. It's not a large amount because I'm on a fixed income though, and my budget is very tight each month (usually down to loose change the last few days of each month).

Earlier this year I started volunteering for just one hour a week with some troubled teens, an idea my counselor thought would help me and them. I'm not sure how that's making the community better, but a few weeks back one of the kids thanked me, so hopefully I at least made his personal community a little better somehow. I really hesitated to do it because I'm highly asocial and still don't know what I really offer them, but if I could do more than an hour I would. If I have to leave the house it might as well as be for something useful.

I also volunteered to assist women into the Planned Parenthood that opened here awhile ago, but thankfully that hasn't been needed, and I haven't even heard back from them it's so calm. I've had a couple run ins with Operation Rescue over the years, so it's always fun to piss off militant pro-lifers, but so far there have been no protests so no need to escort anyone.
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