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Republicans Seek Governors' Advice on Obama Role in 'Control' of States [View All]

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The Northerner Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-11 07:02 PM
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Republicans Seek Governors' Advice on Obama Role in 'Control' of States
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U.S. House Republicans, at their annual congressional retreat, looked to their party’s governors to help pinpoint Obama administration policies they say encroach on states’ rights and hurt economic growth.

“We came here to give the statehouse perspective,” Governor Rick Perry of Texas told reporters after speaking at the closed-door meeting in Baltimore. “We also share some very strong concerns about the manner in which the current administration runs roughshod over our affairs.”

The Obama administration “wants to come in and control your states,” Perry said.

The Texas governor was joined by Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, a potential 2012 Republican candidate for president, and Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell. The three said Obama’s health-care overhaul and environmental policies are harming state budgets and infringing on areas where states should have control.

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