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Embarrassing JetBlue snafu! Airline pilot loses gun and flight gets grounded [View All]

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baldguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-11 07:05 PM
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Embarrassing JetBlue snafu! Airline pilot loses gun and flight gets grounded
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The Transportation Security Administration is probing Michael Connery Jr. after an embarrassing mixup nearly sent his government-issued firearm to Florida, while he was due to fly to Pennsylvania.

Connery, who is licensed by the TSA to pack heat in the cockpit, was the scheduled co-pilot on an 8:10 a.m. flight out of JFK to Pittsburgh, law enforcement sources said.

While he waited to board the plane, he placed his bag down and chatted up another pilot.


Connery was so freaked out over losing it that he waited nearly 40 minutes before telling his bosses about the screwup, the sources said.


Great! The TSA is letting Homer Simpson fly a plane & carry a handgun in the air!
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