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are voters smarter than pundits? [View All]

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Johonny Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-11 08:45 PM
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are voters smarter than pundits?
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according to the pundits the a) right isn't to blame for this b) the right doesn't use violent language anyways c) even if they did so what the things they say are just figures of speech

In the real world the most talked about this week as many needing to check themselves:

Sharron Angle (of second amendment solutions fame)
she lost her last election in 2010

Sarah Palin (of surveyor map and reload fame)
She lost her last election in 2008

Jesse Kelly (of shoot an assault rifle with the candidate fame, Gabrielle Giffords opponent)
Yup he lost in 2010 as well

Robert Lowry (of shooting Debbie Wasserman Schultz gun targets fame)
Didn't even come close

Alan Grayson (the rights favorite example this week)
he lost his last election in 2010

These are the dirty five I've heard the most this week on my TV machine. Notice anything in common. So while the pundits say full steam ahead don't change a thing. The voters seem to be sending a totally different message.

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