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Ah PalinPAC and eschatology [View All]

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nadinbrzezinski Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-11 08:52 PM
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Ah PalinPAC and eschatology
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You all are familiar with this. We all know about this. But this is more than just a map... and them are not surveyor points. The movement that Sarah Palin is part of practices a very special kind of mapping. It is called Spiritual Mapping.

realize that spiritual mapping is a powerful tool to cleanse a city form bad influences such as Mormon Churches (why Romney will never, ever be accepted by that crowd)... as well as oh places that sell Dungeons and Dragons.

I know that to some folks here we are making a mountain out of a molehill but Palin's church, the Wasilla believes in this crap. They believe they are at the forefront for the end of days, and that they are here to save the rest of us.

Here, more on her church, from Huffto

You should also become familiar with the Masters Movement, part of the church, and how it shapes the lives of young men and women.

I know that for many in secular america this is as foreign ans strange as talking in tongues... but one DU'er said, fuck another Neocon... I wish she were. This is far worst.

The more one digs... the scarier the demons become... I am glad Carl Sagan never saw to see this demon infested world that now runs the roost.
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