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Reply #4: The key areas to occupy in society are: [View All]

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Mnemosyne Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-11 10:51 PM
Response to Original message
4. The key areas to occupy in society are:
Occupation of what is cleared

We have to fill what has been vacated by the enemy, otherwise Jesus warned us we can be in big trouble. We have to fill everything, but there will be some key parts of society that we do have to ensure we fill: the key parts will be where the enemy has had a stronghold and a presence, and also any aspects of society that were particularly key in the development of the place, either in its initial birth process or at a significant growth time.

The key areas to occupy in society are:

* business, economic and trade
* arts and entertainment
* media and communication
* government and law
* health, science and technology
* education
* family life

When we look at occupation we are not looking at something that is legislative from the top-down (a Christendom / Constantinian approach) but something that is from the grass roots up, that is culture changing. We cannot see change by using the same methods of domination and control as the world-system uses. This also means that all the occupation is not going to be done through Christians but through all those who are living with justice as their standard.

They are intentionally spreading up from the bottom...
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