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Romney Watch: Boston suburbanite compares Romney to Stephen King novel [View All]

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philly_bob Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-11 11:04 PM
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Romney Watch: Boston suburbanite compares Romney to Stephen King novel
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Edited on Fri Jan-14-11 11:05 PM by philly_bob
The comments by locals to a story in a suburban Boston newspaper about Mitt Romney building his election team around the Shawmut Group (see below) are revealing.

"Romney has been lusting after the Presidency since he ran against Teddy Kennedy. a generation ago. EVERYTHING he has done since has been to polish up his Dudley DoRight image," said one. "However his cornfed Middle-America image barely conceals his 'Children of the Corn' agenda."

'Children of the Corn' is a horror movie based on a Steven King novel about "a cult that worships a malevolent force in the corn fields."

Another commenter says "Mr. Romney is easy to represent. He has plenty of money (through PACs and his own) and he'll take any position you tell him to that panders to the polls of the day. Having lived with him in Massachusetts for many years, I can't tell you what, exactly, he stands for, except self promotion. He has no bottom."

One commenter wondered whether the new Tea-Party Republican Party would accept Romney: "Will your party give him the chance? The party of Bush, McCain-Palin rejected him. Why would they reject a reasonable, intelligent, decent man? Because the party of hyper-pseudo religiosity is so intolerant of anyone who deviates only slightly from whatever their religious litmus test demands. Poor Mr. Romney actually has to pander to this with the usual amorphous baby talk about being a Christian, etc. etc."

The article also discusses how Romney is working with Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.)

The Belmont Citizen-Record article is at:

(Spelling & punctuation have been fixed for readability. Also, meant to post this in General Discussion Presidency forum.)
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