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Reply #8: Mooselini's Macaca Moment... [View All]

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KharmaTrain Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 02:28 AM
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8. Mooselini's Macaca Moment...
If you have to keep "explaining", then there must be something really screwed up in either your definition or the comprehension of your audience.

These dogwhistles are surely understood by the fundies and end-of-timers...the "Identity Christians" that Bible Spice hopes will swoop her to a big win in Iowa and onto the White House...which she and her ilk believe she not only deserves but is entitled to. This is a shot at the "librul media" and academics that are surely mostly Jewish (or owned by jews) and not only plays to Grifterlla's persecution complex but also as a rally cry for those whose worldviews are as screwed up as hers.

The phrase "blood libel" is Mama Grizley's "macaca" moment as it jared many in that corporate media that was fixated with her and try to explain it away it's gonna stick on her for a while. She can attempt to play victim and get some sympathy from the fringe that she thinks will win her a nomination but it just made her political poison beyond...
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