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CNN's idea of balance [View All]

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Syrinx Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 05:44 AM
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CNN's idea of balance
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Whenever CNN has a discussion or "debate," they usually have, for some reason, three panelists.

Almost invariably, those three slots are filled by (1) a hard-right, tea-bag type, (2) a "no labels" centrist or right-leaning "Democrat," and (3) David Gergen -- who they pass off as a political agnostic that has served both Republican and Democratic presidents.

They portray Gergen as a middle-of-the-road guy, despite his record, overseeing Nixon's speech-writing staff that included the likes of Ben Stein, Bill Safire and Pat Buchanan, and helping to push through the Reagan agenda that ruined America.

They insinuate that he's middle-of-the-road because he worked in the Clinton White House, during Clinton's days of triangulating capitulation, and Dick Morris' bouts of literal and figurative toe-sucking.

So when we see a political discussion on CNN, the participants are usually a tea-bagger, a Blue Dog, and another tea-bagger helpfully disguised.

Thanks CNN, for being so fair and balanced! :hi:
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