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Reply #5: Can we even name the progressives we heard little (or nothing) from, for DECADES: [View All]

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SoCalDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-11 06:34 AM
Response to Original message
5. Can we even name the progressives we heard little (or nothing) from, for DECADES:
(on tv & radio).. newspapers & magazines don't really count for much, since most people form their opinions from what they are MOST exposed to.....

There WERE (are?) many progressives/liberals still around, but when they dare to step over that line, their corporate bosses cut them loose.

We may see them if we seek them out & pay to hear their lectures, or we may pay to buy their books, but they were not given the opportunity yo host 3-hr radio shows 5 days a week, or to host multi-hour tv shows.

At best, one or two or them may slip past media censors when they win a prestigious award, or if a host fights hard enough to get the, on, but even then, they are greeted with a screaming-head format where they are interrupted every 7 seconds by other "guests", and in the end their presentation suffers, since real ideas take more than a 2-word slogan parroted over and over.
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