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Gov. Sandoval to pursue constitutional change for school choice [View All]

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cali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 05:50 AM
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Gov. Sandoval to pursue constitutional change for school choice
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Gov. Brian Sandoval will seek a constitutional amendment in the upcoming session of the Nevada Legislature to allow for public tax dollars to be used in a school voucher program that would include religious schools, a staff member said this week.

Senior Adviser Dale Erquiaga, in a briefing with the media on Thursday, said a voucher bill submitted by former Gov. Jim Gibbons will be rewritten by the Sandoval administration. Sandoval intends to pursue the constitutional change, he said.

Changing the Nevada constitution is a complex process that would take as many as six years to accomplish, including voter approval.

"We will carry a voucher bill, . . . but our voucher bill will be a proposed constitutional amendment," Erquiaga said. "We think the voucher program ought to cover all schools and they way they've done it, proposed to do it, would not be quite as comprehensive."

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