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NY Money Manager arrested for threatening to kill Regulators [View All]

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deminks Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 06:14 AM
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NY Money Manager arrested for threatening to kill Regulators
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NEW YORK, Jan 14 (By Jonathan Stempel) - A New York money manager with a long history of legal battles with the government has been charged with threatening to kill 47 U.S. officials, including the nation's top securities and commodities regulators.

Vincent McCrudden, 49, last month allegedly posted online an "execution list" naming officials, including Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Mary Schapiro and Commodity Futures Trading Commission Chairman Gary Gensler.

Federal prosecutors said the threat came shortly after the CFTC brought an enforcement action accusing the former commodities trader and two of his companies with operating unregistered investments.

McCrudden threatened officials at the SEC, CFTC, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and the National Futures Association, authorities said. "Go buy a gun, and lets get to work in taking back our country from these criminals," McCrudden allegedly wrote, in a statement calling for the four regulators to be abolished. "I will be the first one to lead by example." The arrest comes amid heightened concern for the safety of public officials after last Saturday's mass shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and others in Tucson, Arizona.

(end snip)

Wow, so can we expect a crack down on any other segments who have threatened to harm people for doing their duty, like, say, voting in Congress? Hmmm?
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