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Is something wrong with the sexual development of human males? [View All]

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VenusRising Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 07:19 AM
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Is something wrong with the sexual development of human males?
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Is something wrong with the sexual development of human males?
The Hals Report

Have you noticed there aren’t as many males in the world anymore? Well, there isn’t. A growing body of evidence has begun to show something is wrong with the sexual health of human males.

To begin with, Sperm counts have dropped by 50% in the last 50 years worldwide. (1) On the other hand, sperm abnormalities and rates of male infertility have increased radically. Rates of testicular cancer have also doubled in the last 20 years.The question is, why?

Scientist now believe certain man made chemicals are to blame. These chemicals have been known to interfere with the male hormonal system where they wreak havoc on the building blocks of male sexual development. The problem is, they are everywhere.


Up until recently doctors believed the fetus was protected from contamination by the placental barrier, but the truth is the womb provides no such protection. For several weeks after conception the embryo is neither male nor female, sex hormones orchestrate the process. In the seventh week of pregnancy the male reproductive tract starts developing and the sad truth is, chemical exposures are likely behind a 200% increase in genital birth defects. Even after birth the infant is further exposed to chemicals in the mothers breast milk.


I would have linked to the original article, but it's coming up blank on my browser for some reason.
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