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Reply #4: Just for clarification [View All]

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pipoman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 11:12 AM
Response to Original message
4. Just for clarification
Sodexo is the institutional food division of Sysco Foods, the worlds largest restaurant/food service provider. Sodexo has many divisions. They provide beginning to end food services for all sorts of institutions, schools, healthcare, etc. They also have divisions for group buying of products for institutions which operate their own food service preparation facilities. They contract with product suppliers for reduced pricing based on volume. These coops go beyond actual food into equipment, supplies, uniforms, education, etc. The savings from suppliers isn't necessarily passed on to Sysco customers particularly smaller restaurants. This makes the margins earned by Sysco enormous on some customers. The buying power achieved by huge contracts like the USMC contract amounts to a lot of additional profit in other venues.
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