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Reply #7: They don't discuss it my daughter's Jr High [View All]

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davsand Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 12:07 PM
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7. They don't discuss it my daughter's Jr High
WE discuss it at home, however, whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Frankly speaking, given the conservative assholes at her school I'm not terribly unhappy about it, if you want the truth. This is the same crew that had a substitute science teacher discussing abortion in the classroom asking for a show of hands for "who thinks abortion is ok?" My (then) 12 yr old daughter, who picketed with me for access to emergency contraception here in the state of Illinois, raised her hand. Given the tone of the whole discussion that took a LOT of fortitude on my kid's part and I was very proud of her.

I called the administrator about it and threw a fit. He actually DEFENDED the sub claiming it did not happen like my daughter's version of events and saying I was the ONLY person he'd heard from. (Funny how he freaking knew what version of events was "true" when I called unless other parents had either chewed on him first or unless it was a planned lesson...)

Anyhow, I really would rather teach my kid my version of sex ed--including stuff like the biology of human reproduction, the truth about STD's, and human sexuality. I spend time and energy supporting Planned Parenthood and I really prefer their approach to the "Billy Bob's Redneck Purity" version put out by that school.


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