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Want to know why baggers don't want "those other people" getting medical care? [View All]

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NNN0LHI Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 11:05 AM
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Want to know why baggers don't want "those other people" getting medical care?
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Most the people I know that would be considered baggers wouldn't get medical care for even themselves if it was going to cost them a few bucks. Cheap bastards. They would rather lay dying in pain than spend a few bucks getting a minor problem repaired.

I had an uncle who I would consider your typical bagger and you know what he did after his dentist told him he needed a few thousand dollars worth of work to save his teeth? He went to his nephew who is an oral surgeon and didn't charge him anything, and had every god damn tooth in his head yanked right out of his mouth. He wasn't going to give that dentist a few grand to save his teeth. No fucking way. And this guy had money. About a half a million dollars when he died about a year ago. He never ate a piece of solid food for the rest of his life after that. He sure showed that dentist, didn't he?

So there you go. That is the kind of mindset we are up against.

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