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Reply #2: I'm convinced the reason a lot of those old goats on Medicare are against [View All]

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Warpy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 11:16 AM
Response to Original message
2. I'm convinced the reason a lot of those old goats on Medicare are against
any sort of health care reform is that they've got the cockeyed idea that somebody is going to make them go see a doctor and they hate going to see a doctor, even if it's paid for by insurance 100%.

As for your example not saving his teeth, there is nothing worse than a mouthful of bad ones. Hadn't he ever heard of dentures? Or perhaps he liked having an excuse to drink breakfast, lunch and dinner out of a pint bottle from the packy.

I'm in that "have a little" position myself and I try not to touch the principal. In fact, I live on far less than the dividends and interest. I do, however, pay for my medical care, all of it. I can sympathize with anybody who refuses to touch the principal in order to keep income coming in long term rather than enjoy the short term. However, dentures are important. That part makes no sense to me. Then again, I'm not a doctor phobic, cheap old goat.
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