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Reply #8: The Definition Of A Circle Jerk... [View All]

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KharmaTrain Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-11 08:15 AM
Response to Original message
8. The Definition Of A Circle Jerk...
That's the corporate media attempting to anylize itself...and always from a third party perspective. It's almost always framed as the network doing the reporting is detached from the rhetoric they spew or that those who spew it really aren't the same people who are doing the report. It's almost always ends up with the "both sides do it" meme and that the media is only reporting the divides rather than fanning the flames...or if someone is spreading those flames its surely not them. It allows its partisan viewers to feel either superior or assured that the problem is from the other side...soley from the other side. Those in the middle shut it all off and turn on Dancing with Survivors or some other eye candy.

Bottom line is there are three cables that thrive on filling hours of their airtime with programming of paid talking heads who see politics as a blood sport. News no longer informs, it has to entertain...explaining complicated issues don't draw ratings; splashing talking points do.
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