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Reply #9: I listened to RW talk radio--as much as i could stand, (Levin, Hannity) [View All]

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Rectangle Donating Member (437 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-11 09:52 AM
Response to Original message
9. I listened to RW talk radio--as much as i could stand, (Levin, Hannity)
on the way home from work two days ago. I was listening to see if , indeed, they
were trying to "Dial it Back" a little, y'know like the majority of Americans have
asked them to.
You know what?


The amplifier knob has been cranked to "11" and it's broken off!!!!

They know very well, that if they "Toned it down" and quit throwing the Red Meat out
there, their ratings would PLUMMET!!!
RW talk radio is built on a foundation of hate, lies, bigotry, extreme hypocricy
and narcissism!
They are trapped in an ideological cage of their own making!

Eventually it will be their undoing!

If we Progressives and liberals look like strong Adults, and keep our language focused
clean, and caring for the American people, we will win out over these idiots--
hopefully sooner rather than later.
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