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A Call to Action.......Sorta. [View All]

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bluestate10 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 11:18 AM
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A Call to Action.......Sorta.
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After having been a member of DU for two months and having considered leaving several times during that time, I have decided that this moderate like fraternal fights with liberals too much to leave. I like lobbing prose grenades at the Far Left and Extremely Far Left and scrambling for cover when their verbal volleys return.

So. I ask all to donate whatever you can to DU on a regular basis. Working websites need money to run right and this website meets many of our community and political communication needs. After clarifying where I stand on participation in DU, I made my second contribution to the site and plan to make periodic contributions during the future. The site is important to moderate democrats, Liberal democrats, Extreme Liberal democrats, Conservative democrats, Liberal republicans, and Moderate republicans. There are other sites that we can go to (well, maybe except for the moderates and the liberal republicans), but none have an environment where we can challenge other's political ideas as well as have our own challenged. There are groups of members within DU that form their own echo chambers and react virulently to political or social views that they do not share, but overall, DU is a jewel among a lot of chafe on the web.

Again, please donate whatever you can to the maintenance and well being of this site. To the Free Republic types and extreme conservative religious fundamentalists that lurk on this site to see what correct spelling and proper grammar looks like, I say to you........NAHH!
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