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Reply #17: I tend to believe that conservatives really don't consider the long-term effects [View All]

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Urban Prairie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 09:13 PM
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17. I tend to believe that conservatives really don't consider the long-term effects
Edited on Sat Jan-15-11 09:14 PM by Urban Prairie
of what "taking back their country" would mean, and what they expect their vision of a theocratic "Christian" nation to be like.

Or most actually do realize the possible/potential horrific consequences of too quickly stripping away all government-provided "entitlements" but don't care, and would demand their "theocratically" governed, conservative-led nation to treat those who depended on the federal government to survive, in the same manner as migrating Europeans, and later the pre-20th century American government itself did with native Americans, as being mere "savages" who would need to be disarmed, arrested. or even killed if many were to riot as a result. The native Americans were forced to move to reservations, but in this era they would be perhaps at best moved into FEMA camps or sentenced to prisons, because those millions who are healthy enough to do so, many would most likely be forced to turn to crime to survive, and many who are not very healthy and/or are disabled/elderly would rapidly become amongst the additional millions of vagabond/transient homeless, most of whom would probably not be able to survive for very long, lacking enough medicine, food, and potable water, and especially those who live in many states that have long and frigid winter weather.
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