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Tucson "shooting victim also witnessed Kent State shootings" [View All]

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Cerridwen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 01:11 PM
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Tucson "shooting victim also witnessed Kent State shootings"
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Edited on Sat Jan-15-11 01:12 PM by Cerridwen
The title at the link sucks, btw.

Randy Gardner was settling into a chair, chatting with an elderly woman also waiting to meet U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords last Saturday, when the sound of gunshots collapsed his world into a blur of gray figures and ricocheting screams.

It was only much later, as he lay on the ground with a bullet wound in the right foot that his mind hurtled back: May 4, 1970. Kent State University.

"Here I am again," he thought, "dodging bullets."

As a sophomore at Kent State, Gardner had joined a group of students protesting the Vietnam War, when members of the Ohio National Guard suddenly opened fire. He sprinted toward a field and "hit the ground" to avoid the bullets. Later, he discovered four of his classmates were killed, including a girl from his English class.

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I've been trying to track the wounded to see what's up with them.

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