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Reply #9: His wife virtually ruled the country when he fell ill [View All]

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JCMach1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 02:43 PM
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9. His wife virtually ruled the country when he fell ill
Edited on Sat Jan-15-11 02:43 PM by JCMach1
...On the morning of October 2, Mrs. Wilson found her husband unconscious on the bathroom floor of their private White House quarters bleeding from a cut on his head. Wilson had suffered a stroke - a massive attack that left his left side paralyzed and impaired his vision. She immediately summoned Dr. Grayson. Then the conspiracy began. The two of them formed a bulwark between the invalid President and the rest of the country, simultaneously shielding Wilson from intrusion and hiding his condition from outsiders.

For seventeen months the enfeebled President lay in his bed on the brink of death, barely able to write his own name. The outside world knew none of this. All communication with the President went through his wife. She entered the sick room with messages and emerged with

verbal instructions or the scrawl of a signature on a piece of paper. Edith Wilson called the period her "stewardship." Later, others called her the first woman President. The Senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles with its provision for the League. Although Wilson's health improved, he never fully recovered. ...

This is a pretty good summary...
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