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Toxic goop: It might be coating your driveway and tracked into your home [View All]

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n2doc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 03:10 PM
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Toxic goop: It might be coating your driveway and tracked into your home
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New doubts cast on safety of common driveway sealant
Extremely high levels of toxic chemical in coal tar found in booming suburb

By Michael Hawthorne, Tribune reporter
January 15, 2011

If a company dumped the black goop behind a factory, it would violate all sorts of environmental laws and face an expensive hazardous-waste cleanup.

But playgrounds, parking lots and driveways in many communities are coated every spring and summer with coal tar, a toxic byproduct of steelmaking that contains high levels of chemicals linked to cancer and other health problems.

Nearly two decades after industry pressured the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to exempt coal tar-based pavement sealants from anti-pollution laws, a growing number of government and academic studies are questioning the safety of the widely used products. Research shows that the tar steadily wears off and crumbles into contaminated dust that is tracked into houses and washed into lakes.

In Lake in the Hills, a fast-growing McHenry County suburb about 50 miles northwest of Chicago, researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey found that driveway dust was contaminated with extremely high levels of benzo(a)pyrene, one of the most toxic chemicals in coal tar. The amount was 5,300 times higher than the level that triggers an EPA Superfund cleanup at polluted industrial sites.

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