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Reply #18: Buchanan is obviously a Palin apologist. [View All]

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Urban Prairie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 05:08 PM
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18. Buchanan is obviously a Palin apologist.
Edited on Sat Jan-15-11 05:09 PM by Urban Prairie
If his heroine can't stand the political heat that she has brought upon herself, maybe she should have never been in its kitchen to begin with.

She intentionally left that controversial cross-hairs map up, LONG after the elections were over. She alone proved that she desired and then drew the public's attention to herself by uploading it to begin with, then by removing it a few hours after Loughner's rampage, she tacitly admitted her guilt, that it in fact incites and promotes violence and violent acts.

There are innocent victims, like Giffords, but there are also false martyrs, like Palin.

The angry public backlash Sarah received was deserved, and even the most stupid trolls on the internet know what they are to expect, when they post or reply with inflammatory or violence-provoking images and/or words directly to someone, or indirectly at everyone.
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