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Reply #20: Buchanan has always found ways to apologize for the worst of the worst. [View All]

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Cyrano Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 05:34 PM
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20. Buchanan has always found ways to apologize for the worst of the worst.
Edited on Sat Jan-15-11 06:00 PM by Cyrano
He has spent most of his life as an "apologist" for Hitler. (Go to Google and type in Pat Buchanan Hitler.) He was also one of Nixon's speech writers and still thinks that Dick was a great guy.

So why should we be surprised when he sits there painting the best possible face on Sarah?

I've never understood people like Buchanan and never will. His values, beliefs and world view are so at odds with reality (and sanity?)as to make him a totally incomprehensible person to me. Many wingnuts spew the crap they spew because it pays well. Their true beliefs (if any) are set aside. Buchanan, on the other hand, truly believes that every turd he piles on the platter is a grain of "truth."

I wonder if there's a cure for people like him.

On edit: Buchanan gave a "culture wars" speech at the 1992 Republican Presidential Convention that was insane by the standards of the day. The late, great columnist, Molly Ivins, nailed him by quipping, "It sounded better in the original German."
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