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I participated in my first legislative forum today. [View All]

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Thav Donating Member (336 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 04:29 PM
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I participated in my first legislative forum today.
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I've been to a few, but never said anything. Today I went there expressly to speak. In Iowa, they're talking about cutting preschool programs. My son is in a early childhood education program, so he (5 years old), my daughter (3), and I went to support this program. My state senator and representative (both proudly D and very good ladies) were hosting it, as they support the program.

The room was packed and overflowing, but we were able to get in and stand off to the side. The legislators started and opened the floor to discussion, and a few educators and some people from school boards said a few things. One gave me a great segway into what I wanted to say. I then hoisted my son up and introduced him to the audience. I said how he was in the program, and is speech-delayed (basically doesn't form full words, even though he has a full vocabulary and grammar, no learning disabilities otherwise). I asked him if he liked school, he said "Yeah" nice and loud. I asked him who is favorite teacher was, he answered loud. (which was fun since she was sitting right next to where I was standing). Then I asked, "Does Kayla help you talk better?" "Yeah she does, a lot." I then talked about how the program not only helps the children, but the parents as well, as we've gotten all kinds of advice and tools we can use to help their speech. I ended it perfectly as well: "When people say this program is expensive, all I have to say is this: The only thing more expensive than education is ignorance." To which I got a round of applause. (The quote isn't my original, it was attributed to "anonymous")

We stayed in the room for another 5-10 minutes, but we left to go to the children's room of the library where the forum was. 2 youngsters in a crowded, hot room makes for restless youngsters. We came back after it was over, and we got mobbed by people. They said my speech was excellent and how my son was the highlight of the meeting. The legislators came over to get pictures with my kids, the local media interviewed me and my son, and my state senator said I moved at least two people to tears.

I went there knowing I had to speak for this program. Before we went I asked my son, "Do you want to tell some important people about your school?" He said, "Yes." I was glad to be able to speak my piece and show how these programs have benefited my family. I was NOT expecting the reactions I got from it. Because of the reaction, I'm assuming that what I said was powerful, and I hope it was.

So that was my first time participating in a legislative forum, I hope to be able to do more in the future.
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