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Exclusive interview: Julian Assange on Murdoch, Manning and the threat from China [View All]

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Better Believe It Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 06:07 PM
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Exclusive interview: Julian Assange on Murdoch, Manning and the threat from China
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Exclusive interview: Julian Assange on Murdoch, Manning and the threat from China
The WikiLeaks founder talks to John Pilger
January 12, 2011

"China is the worst offender" when it comes to censorship, says the controversial whistleblower. "China has aggressive and sophisticated interception technology that places itself between every reader inside China and every information source outside China. We've been fighting a running battle to make sure we can get information through, and there are now all sorts of ways Chinese readers can get on to our site."

On Bradley Manning, the US soldier accused of leaking diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks, Assange says: "I'd never heard his name before it was published in the press." He argues that the US is trying to use Manning – currently stuck in solitary confinement in the US – to build a case against the WikiLeaks founder:

"Cracking Bradley Manning is the first step," says the Australian hacker. "The aim clearly is to break him and force a confession that he somehow conspired with me to harm the national security of the United States."

Such conspiracy would be impossible, he says. "WikiLeaks technology was designed from the very beginning to make sure that we never knew the identities or names of people submitting material. We are as untraceable as we are uncensorable. That's the only way to assure sources they are protected."

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