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Hundreds dead in Brazilian flooding [View All]

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Hannah Bell Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-11 10:40 PM
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Hundreds dead in Brazilian flooding
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The death toll from flooding and mudslides has risen past 500, with hundreds more missing, as Brazil confronts its worst ever natural disaster.

According to figures released by the Brazilian government Friday, the confirmed number of dead has risen to 536. Some 14,000 have been left homeless and many people are believed still buried by the wall of water and mud that engulfed entire homes and wiped out highways, power lines and water and sewage systems.

The mudslides were triggered by an intense downpour that began Tuesday night, dumping a month's worth of rain in just 24 hours on the highland Serrana region of the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro.

The government of the state of Rio de Janeiro dispatched units of military police to the area after reports of scattered looting. Access to food and drinking water has become increasingly difficult for the survivors of the devastation. Where food is to be found, prices have been raised by as much 500 percent.

Hardest hit were the towns of Nova Friburgo, Teresopolis and Petropolis, about 40-60 miles north of the coastal city of Rio de Janeiro.
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