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Occupy Christmas. [View All]

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bleever Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-11-11 10:24 PM
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Occupy Christmas.
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I'm just sayin'.

It isn't even Thanksgiving yet and we're hearing all the Christmas marketing, mostly from (wait for it) large corporations.

And I think about what really has meaning for us as a nation this year and season, and I realize that it's the awakening of the Occupy movement, and the shift in our national dialogue it has produced such that we are now actually talking, even in the generally obtuse mainstream media, about previously "taboo" topics:

The income gap, and how it's grown in the last 30 years. And beyond that, the opportunity gap. The clear and present fact that all the education and effort in the world might not mean squat where there aren't jobs to be had.

So as one more blow for taking back our democracy from corporate hegemony, I say: Occupy Christmas. Remember what it's about, the possibility of a season of joy during the darkest days of the year, and connecting and reconnecting with the people in your life.

I say: Whose Christmas? Our Christmas!

Whose Christmas? Our Christmas!

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